Install Windows 3.1 In Dosbox For Mac

Posted : admin On 24.03.2020
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Install Windows 3.1 In Dosbox For Mac Free

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( 3 hours ago)TonyBiH Wrote: I know is newbie question but Is it safe to us with Windows 10. I was always scared that I will mess up something vital because Win 3.11 have some similar files like Windows 10. Dosbox should be pretty safe right?

Install Windows 3.1 In Dosbox For Mac Mac

DosboxInstall windows 3.1 in dosbox for mac

Also I found out on my own skin when I add some files that missing on Windows 10 like if I remember right DRM and older installer It mess my new instalation completly. Then I was like reinstaling whole Windows again. It's safe, you don't have to worry, just follow the tutorial. You install it in a separate folder that DOSBox will use as a virtual C drive (folder 'dos' in tutorial), so it can't mess anything up in regular Windows.